Summer EBT

Update 5-1-24

Good news from Alabama today. It is looking like kids are winning. Their state's Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee just voted unanimously for the state's portion of the admin funds so Alabama schoolchildren can get this food in the summer.

What to do here in SD now

   In the campaigns going on for the June 4 primary, you may be noticing who are running for state legislature from your area. PLEASE ASK THEM if they will work to get SUMMER EBT for South Dakota kids. Hearing from voters during the campaigns makes a difference.

Update after the Legislature:
Alas! The Legislature refused, just like the governor had done. This is bad news for SD schoolchildren. How they voted:
For Summer EBT (House Bill 1184):  Kassin, Duba, Foster, Krull, and Derby. (Thank them.)
Against: Otten(Ernie), Mills, Wiik, Zikmund, Maher, Koth, Kolbeck(Jack), Bolin, Wink, Breitling, Venhuizen, Hunhoff

Update 2-12-24. Good News!  Nebraska's Governor has decided to take Summer EBT after all!  An estimated 150,000 kids will have the ability to access meals over the summer months and bring in $18 million to Nebraska in economic benefits. That leaves South Dakota among 14 states where children will be missing out on this food in summer 2024..
What to do: Because we missed it this year, ask SD state legislators to pass HB1184 to start Summer EBT in 2025.

Update 1-5-24

Alas, the Governor and the departments still refused. Our kids will miss out on this much needed food this coming summer(2024). So now let's ask state legislators to take up this cause and insist that the state accept Summer EBT for the future.

Let the Children Have Food!

Speak up for Summer EBT for Kids

    Summer EBT is food in the summer for schoolchildren when they are missing free or reduced-price school meals.

    South Dakotans are paying federal taxes for children in other states to have this food in summers, but SD is one of the states denying this food to its children. Let’s speak up to urge our state to participate.  South Dakota children need this food too.


Contact Gov.Noem, State Capitol, Pierre SD 57501, 605-773-3212,
Email thru:

and SD’s Secretaries of Ed and Social Services.,

Ask them to accept Summer EBT for kids next summer.


-- This $40-a-month federal food benefit would go to every child who ordinarily gets free or reduced-price school meals during 3 months of summer. 

-- Demonstration projects during the pandemic show it reduces food insecurity. Summer EBT is now a permanent program.

-- The impact will be significant. Because South Dakota chose not to participate this year(2023) and now again for 2024, an estimated 63,000 South Dakota children missed out on summer food worth a total of $7,560,000.

-- Summer EBT would reach all areas of the state. This is especially helpful in areas without congregate summer lunch sites. Neither program by itself is enough to cover a child’s nutritional needs. Kids need both.

-- Adequate nutrition is critical for a child’s development and learning and behavior, and thus we all benefit as a society.

-- Help children return to classrooms in the fall ready to learn.                           


What is EBT? Electronic Benefits Transfer looks and works like a credit card, but it buys only food. This is the way SNAP (food stamps) is distributed.


Thanks from Bread for the World-SD, 5/1/24